Camping Series: Bugs + Essential Oils

It's the height of summer and the camping trips have been planned!  Our first trip is this weekend and we can't wait to be waking up surrounded by the smell of pine.  

Since its a family affair (dogs included) bug defense is a MUST.  We don't need bug bites ruining our trip, right?  

To prep for this weekend we've been throwing some DIY blends together.  We've taken the list of essential oils bugs DO NOT LIKE and combined them into two easy ways to keep those critters away.

The first one is our Outdoor Spray Bottle Blend, a bug repellent, safe for humans + furbabies alike.

The second one is a Bug Repellent Diffuser Bracelet!  This one might be my favorite because not only can we wear it on our wrists, you can look a carabiner through it and attach it to your backpack for day hikes. (We like to pick carabiners from REI whenever we pop in) 

This bracelet can also be attached to a carabiner and hung inside of your tent or on your chair by the fire.  The possibilities are endless.  Get creative and share your favorite ways to use this bracelet in the comments!


Here are the recipes for you to try these DIYs on your own.  Have a different recipe that you love?  Share it in the comments below so we can try it out too!


As always, be conscious in your journey.

- Cait


"Outdoor" Spray Bottle Blend

a Natural Bug Repellent


1oz Witch Hazel (we like this one)

10 drops Purification

10 drops Peppermint

10 drops Lavender

15 drops Citronella

5 drops Tea Tree

10 drops Lemongrass

In 2oz spray bottle (we orders ours here), combine the Witch Hazel, essential oils and then top off with distilled water.  Shake and go!

Bug Repellent Diffuser Bracelet

Drip 2 drops each of Lavender, Purification and Citronella onto your diffuser bracelet for effective, all natural bug relief all day!